
Below are a selection of publications, conference presentations, and invited talks.


“‘Exemplary’ Administration: Monipodio’s ‘Libro de Memoria’ in Rinconete y Cortadillo.” Modern Language Notes, 134.2, 2019, p. 250-265. (Available here)

“Mining the Necropolis: On Reading Guillem de Berguedà.” Tenso, vol. 37, 2022, p. 1-24. (Available here)



“Lyric is as Lyric Does: Understanding the Troubadours and Medieval Iberia,” Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey, February.

Conference Presentations


“Fama: Language, Self, and State,” American Comparative Literature Association 2021 Annual Meeting, Seminar “Conformity and Clandestinity in Iberian Literatures, 16th-21st c.,” Montreal, April.


“‘…de trobar mercat’: Guiraut Riquier at the Court of Alfonso X,” International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, May.

“The Troubadours, Iberia, and the Agency of Lyric” American Comparative Literature Association 2018 Annual Meeting, Seminar “Towards a Global Theory of the Lyric I: The Dynamics of Traditions,” University of California at Los Angeles, March-April.


“Craft Translated: the Early Troubadours and Iberia,” 5th Biennial Meeting of the BABEL Working Group, University of Nevada, October.


“Guillem de Berguedà as ‘Public Troubadour’: a Case Study,” Modern Language Association Convention, University of Texas, January.


“Some Comparative Notes on the Production of Space in Medieval Iberian Lyric,” International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, May.